
Coffee with work friends

The Weekend Routine

The Weekend Routine

As an entrepreneur, working long, hard hours comes with the territory. Fueling those tough Monday to Friday schedules with a healthy weekend routine is essential. Here are some tips you might find useful in building healthier weekend habits.


1. Spend some time just you…. and just YOU!

Having time on your own gives you an opportunity to resolve problems, clear your thoughts and plan where you want or need to be in the future. If you love putting pen to paper, it can be a great time to journal or free write. Free writing can shed light on your future direction, help you find new goals and lead you to conclusive, clear resolutions to problems.


2. Have a device-free day

Having a device free day is great for your physical and mental well being. Our 21st century habit of being constantly connected to our email, social media and places we visit regularly online can greatly reduce your energy levels and creativity. Letting go of your mobile devices for a day means you live life ‘in the moment’ so to speak, giving way to fresher mindsets and increased productivity.


3. Find a recharge routine

It’s important to find a weekend routine that leaves you feeling recharged and revitalised. Exercise, learn a new skill unrelated to your business or job, spend time with family and friends – whatever it is, having a regular weekend ritual can leave you invigorated and motivated for the following week. Like any car, you cannot go far on empty hence why refueling and recharging over the weekend is so important.


4. Reflection

Reflection on the previous week reveals what went right as well as what went wrong and allows you to make a decision on what activities to maintain and what activities to let go of. It also enables you to set goals that will bring you a greater level of success the following week.


5. Plan the week ahead

Sunday is the ideal day to draw up a plan for the week ahead. Reflection on your previous week gives you a comprehensive idea of what goals need to be set and accomplished for the week ahead. You can and should use this time to schedule phone calls, meetings and important tasks. Planning your entire week ahead to the best of your ability helps safeguard you against missed opportunities, costly mistakes and leaves you ahead of the game on Monday morning.


Now that we have your weekend routine sorted, why not let us help you with the Monday to Friday aspect of your business. Call us now on (091) 511 400 to arrange a viewing of our latest office rental, meeting rooms or to find out more about our virtual office services.

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